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Image: Tim Evison |
House plants. Do you have house plants? I have house plants. And every time I water my house plants and that tiny pond develops on the soil only to sink away into the thirsty roots, there is always a sudden flurry of activity. Tiny white specks can be seen milling around in the moist earth and floating on the quickly disappearing water. Those are Springtails.
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Image: dddaag via Flickr |
Soil is definitely the Springtail's first love. They adore the stuff! If there's soil, there are almost definitely Springtails. Maybe thousands of them. They're not quite microscopic, but if you grab a handful of earth anywhere in the world you'll probably be holding dozens or hundreds of them right there. The power! The POWER!
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Image: servitude via Flickr |
I'm sure their minute size is a major help in their success, as it means they can survive in the tiniest of micro-climates. Springtails need moisture since they breathe through their skin and are prone to drying out. They even have this incredibly strange hosepipe thing that can stretch out from their abdomen and be used to take in water. It's a kind of tiny elephant's trunk that can be packed away when not in use.
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Image: M Hedin via Flickr With a Garden Centipede. All friends together. |
Other Springtails feed on algae and some are carnivorous, preying on tiny worms or other Springtails. The country boy done wrong. There are also some who feed on plants. In fact, they can gather in such stupendous numbers as to become a serious agricultural pest. It's difficult to picture it...
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Image: Grisvert (J-S Bouchard) via Flickr Snow Fleas. Lots of them. |
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Image: robbersdog via Flickr |
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Image: Biopix: G Drange |
Within Collembola are three main groups:
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Image: Mvuijlst |
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Image: Steve Hopkin |
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Image: Gilles San Martin via Flickr |
Do you know what else they might look like? Absolutely nothing at all. As if they were never there. Like you imagined the whole thing in your creepy-crawly imagination. It's not because they're invisible, nor is it necessarily because you've finally gone completely mad. No. Well, maybe that second one, but no. It's because Springtails have a spring in their tail. Who'd've thunk it?
Includes incredibly strange hosepipe thing.
Slung along the underside of most Springtails is a two-pronged fork called the furcula. It's held under tension by a little appendage called the retinaculum. When this is released, the fork hits the ground and our little Springtail is heroically catapulted through the air, leaping over an apportioned skyscraper in a single bound, flying flying and then falling falling.
They have no control at all over where they land, so it's only used in dire straits when they're stuck between a rock and the empty void of the unknown. However, when a predatory mite or giant magnifying glass gets too close, it's a great way of simply disappearing from right under their nose.
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Image: smccann via Flickr |
Still others go through a courtship beforehand, which I'm sure is the most romantic part of the whole affair.
But there is yet another group of Springtails who don't bother with any of this. It's mostly the ones who live deeper in the soil, in the darker, more claustrophobic levels. Here, there are those who require no males at all. They have allied themselves with our old nemesis, the unholy, bacterial parasite known as Wolbachia. Now in a symbiotic relationship, that dark Lord of Loins has bequeathed upon thom the ability to produce young via parthenogenesis. And on their own heads be it.
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Image: myriorama via Flickr |
Can you also tell us about some weird prehistoric animals, like Thalassocnus?
Hi! Thanks for the suggestion. I might do something like that but I'd prefer to find a different way of doing it. Thalassocnus is interesting and it gives me an idea, I'll have to find some more like that!
This blog post reminds me of my children several years back, when I would closely at the sidewalk and see hundreds of tiny red dots scurrying about (and I would occasionally squish one or more with my fingers). However, I'm not sure if those were spring tails or not (when you see something that is about the size, if not smaller than the dot of this 'i', you can't tell what it is at all).
It sounds like they may have been velvet mites of some kind. But yeh, there are so many tiny things around. At least you know they're there when they scurry in their hundreds. If it was just the one, lonesome one you'd never have known!
Do they sting and bite humans? I got an infestation in our building and it was terrible, we moved 2 weeks ago but still feel something pinching me is a black speck, are they so small like a speck?
They definitely can be extremely tiny. Never heard of them biting or stinging, though
Well, They do bite. My labs came back and my scalp is infested with them. When I tried to use vinegar and water through my hair they started jumping onto my face and are in all my hair follicles in my face,neck, breast.stomach, legs feet. Everywhere. Just because you have labs showing you have them doesn't mean Doctors know how to treat them. When I finally got someone to listen, and the labs came out positive I was so infested with them everywhere even my colon that the Ivermectin hasn't helped. I heard the Military is using a product that takes the build up of metal out of your system which seems to draw them towards you. They can find me all the time and jumping on to me is incredibly accurate for them. Even after washing my clothes they will know my clothes compare to another person's that is folded on the couch. What makes them magnetic to metal? When I can get some out of my hair onto the tub it will sometimes sound like little pieces of metal dropping on the surface. You expect to see something extremely big, but it isn't it's small. Tiny. It seem they can be as light as a feather or heavy like the weights you could put on a fishing pole. Can you explain that to me? This has been going on a year. I have tsken notes and pictures after picture . They are fascinating incredible little creatures. I have incredible notes I would love to compare with somebody and ask questions. I just wish they could be fascinating somewhere other than on me. There are some I swear they look like there cartoon characters. Those ones don't look like bugs even I know they are. I have video of some that if I didn't have the video I would of thought I lost my mind.
I would love to have someone to talk to about this and educate others currently waiting on my labs will get back to let you all know then going on now for about 3 years about done drove me crazy so I know what you all have been going through text back anytime thank you
To Unknown above:
Sorry you continue to suffer from this plague. I would love to discuss further.
I believe I have what you describe.
My all my facial and arm hair stands straight up now,
Around dusk I feel crawling on my face. The doctor tried to tell me it was all in my head, but when I put Permethrin cream on my face (not advised but did it anyway)it stopped. Putting my face towards the sun stopped it too.
Lice treatment helped my scalp. I use salt nose wash too 2x times a day and showers with sodium laurate sulfide soaps is supposed to stop the lifecycle.
I have other ideas if you are still interested.
Did you ever get rid of them and if so how?
Did you ever get rid of them and how? I believe I have the same issue for years and I can't get anyone to believe me let alone help. If you have any suggestions I would greatly appreciate your story and advice.
Hello I'm interested in your story. Im dealing with a similar situation. Maybe we can help each other. Please email me if you can.
E mail me if you can
Ive been dealing with something for the last 10 months now & just realized that I have springtails in my hair!! It's a bit to much to deal with!! Everyone thinks I'm crazy & delusional & that it's not healthy to take pictures of my hair & keep combing with a lice comb & to take pics of the little black things & I do it to prove it's something & what's in my hair is the same exact pictures of springtails! Ughh ughh. I heard Diomatecious earth gets rid of them. Has anyone tried this? How did we become the lucky ones to get these& do they spread to other ppl like lice? I'm so clueless & if anyone can help me understand I would be grateful.
Have you ever figured out how to get them out of your hair, I have them in my hair and it's driving me absolutely insane. Please help. Please I'm.begging you
They cannot survive soap or go without water.
Start by finding the source. Email me with details of your can.
I’m sorry this is happening to you. It can be maddening. I’m not the most experienced person, but my problem has stopped. I can send you to someone who is extremely knowledgeable and doing many things, that surprises me because it’s over the top.
Springtails are not the same as fungus bugs, but occupy the same spaces.
Neither can live without moisture.
Can you tell me what is happening with your hair?
Symptoms and other issues.
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