Sunday, 22 December 2013

Merry Christmas!

Original image: Steve Childs
Nothing says Christmas like a grumpy Frogfish sitting around on his leg-fins, face cleaved by a magisterial frown while apathetic eyes BULGE with the sheer power of indifference. It's the very picture of festive merriment! And of course, his belly is so big he can almost eat himself so you won't have to suffer through a week of cold Christmas turkey.

Merry Christmas, everyone!


TexWisGirl said...

thanks for the laugh, joseph! :)

Joseph JG said...

No problem!

Crunchy said...

You have a real way with words. Magisterial frown! Love it!

Joseph JG said...

I do what I can!

Mohandis AL Amsari. AURANGABAD. said...

"Merry Christmas".

Joseph JG said...

Thank you!

Emily said...

Aww, what a cute fishie! It looks like a rubber squeaky toy.

Joseph JG said...

Yeah. I don't think they'd squeak if you gave them a squeeze though!

Anonymous said...